• Online Drama

    The pandemic has taught us to make best possible use of technology to keep engaging students and adults over the internet. It has also meant we have been able to work with people in a way that had previously been unimaginable due to geographical distance. Wanting to value what distance-learning has provided us, we offer workshops, courses and online student productions for anyone who either cannot attend our physical courses and projects, or who simply wishes to make use of the online medium creatively.

  • Online Radio Plays

    Another thing we learnt to do over the pandemic: creating radio plays with students, from conception to production. It’s great fun! We guide students through a process of creating, scripting, rehearsing, recording and editing their own radio play mini-series in English. Hitchcock-style murder mysteries, feel-good comedies, podcast series and more; the students learn to work together and to be creative, bringing a whole world to life through words and sound.

  • Online Songwriting club

    Writing songs is a fabulous way to process our inner and outer world. It’s a fun activity that can provide an outlet and a release with little more than a piece of paper and a pen (and an instrument, though not always necessary). Moreover, singing has proven mental and physical benefits, which, together with the process of sharing one’s experiences through song, can bring about a deep sense of satisfaction. This project offers a wonderful way for students to explore language, thoughts and feelings through words and melody. No experience needed, just a wish to try and express oneself through song!


Youth Theatre Projects